February 23, 2009


i am really good at making lists. and sticking to them. just something about completing a task and checking it off feels really good. so last year i had a lot of new years resolutions. i think i stuck to most of them (or i just forgot the ones i didn't like). h motivated me to make a list of my own.

2008 resolutions:
  • learn how to blog: check - i started out on mac.com because it was so easy to post pictures, but difficult to update and change the layout. back when i had time to do such things (!) and then moved here, hence volume ii. unfortunately, it's the first thing to go when time gets busy.
  • stop drinking soda: check - i drank 5 sodas in 2008. pretty proud of myself. i didn't count ginger beer (my weakness).
  • volunteer more: check - i met five wonderful girls at comfort zone camp this year: c, a 12-year old with better musical taste than me; t, who've i've watched grow up and am so proud of her at 14; o, a crazy 7-year old who nicknamed h "harrypotomus;" e, an 18-year old who i nearly thought would never leave her car but ended up smiling at the end of the weekend; and k, a 17-year old more mature and more inspiring than an other little buddy i've had yet. these girls rocked my world.
  • start dating again, nothing serious: check - oops. ( ;
  • buy local: check - i started getting a bi-weekly community supported agriculture box from washington's green grocer and went to the courthouse farmers market. i can't wait to buy heirloom tomatoes again!
  • try new wine: check, i guess - i think i kinda forgot about this one. i did start drinking (& loving) white wine in june, and h & i went to a vineyard over christmas.
  • stop biting my nails: ehhhh - i am getting better i swear!
  • be more flexible at work: double check - i traveled nearly all summer, although i did have a great time!
  • VOTE! (i voted for the first time!)
  • donate money to a worthy cause: check - my local npr station: wamu 88.5
  • take more pictures: an ever aspiring goal... it's easier when you have a fancy d80 to play with!
  • read more: check - i read a couple of the best books this year: the confessions by jonathan franken and the yiddish policeman's union by michael chabon and the glass castle by jeanette walls were 3 of my favorite.
so time for some new 2009 resolutions:
  • make a budget.
  • stick to budget.
  • REALLY stick to budget!
  • go to the gym/exercise at least once a week (i know, ambitious, but i have to be realistic).
  • write more snail mail.
  • get The Washington Post Sundays. read it. & clip coupons. lord knows you need them.
  • donate blood. i've gotten enough blood taken in the last 6 months, i think i can handle it now.
  • continue paying attention to politics even though the election is over. at least read the political cartoons in newsweek.
  • take daily vitamins.
  • stop eating products made with high fructose corn syrup. i don't care what the new commericals say.
  • get back into running and back into yoga. run at least 2 races this year.
  • continue volunteering at comfort zone camp and feeding the homeless. consider participating or supporting a new organization; maybe girls on the run or dc design house?
  • spend lots of time with friends and go to weddings and parties and have lots of fun. ( :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like that you stick to your resolutions... I want to, but it's tricky. My mom was here this week but gone now. I told her you said hi and she smiled and said hello back and that she misses you!